Words Have Power

Words Have Power

“Writing is organised, permanent talking. It is the brave way to express an idea. Talk comes with evasion and deniability and vagueness. Writing though leaves no room to wriggle.”  

Seth Godin

This quote comes from Seth Godin’s Manifesto on Education and it reminds us that there is power in the written word, something often forgotten in our social media, video content driven world today.  

Learning to write is all at once a basic skill and a sophisticated ability. We judge what we read by how it’s written. We make assumptions about the writer and what they’re trying to communicate. We silently correct the grammar and the spelling mistakes of others based on our own competence.

Watch Seth Godin’s Manifesto on Education

While debate reigns over who and when writing was invented, there’s no doubt that the world is a richer place for the stories, ideas and inventions that have been committed to paper. There’s something about putting letters on a page that solidifies our intent, makes us pause for thought and generally exposes our inner monologue. It doesn’t have to be a great work to enrich our lives, (even the simple act of making a shopping list gives us confidence), but the more we do it, the more skilled we become.

During lockdown many people found time to write, keeping journals of their experiences and corresponding with friends and family when Zoom fatigue kicked in. The internet was full of new blogs and first-time publishers, but for the young people SPA works with, this creative outlet became more elusive. Schools closed. Teaching (when available) was screen based, with little or no emphasis on writing. Engagement declined. Learning seemed difficult and even pointless to those already struggling.  

Our workshops are restoring hope. Slowly, staff and volunteers are getting back into classrooms with pens at the ready. Our model positively challenges younger generations to see themselves as writers – poets, authors and playwrights, with something valuable to offer the world. Each session encourages questions, fires up imaginations and showcases the freedom and pride that comes from being able to express yourself in words. The Super Power Agency has never been more needed to help close the attainment gap and with the help of our staff, volunteers and fundraisers, we plan to expand our programmes across Scotland in years to come. Write yourself into our story here.